I finally did a trip on Mike Ball’s Spoilsport boat.
I was the ‘Far Northern Reef Exploratory’ trip, and although I would not say it was very ‘exploritory’, it was a great trip. Service was great, the boat was clean and neat, and the staff were friendly and helpful.
We traveled 1223 Kilometres (see the track below) over 7 days and I did 22 of the 24 dives. With some Covid-19 cancelations there were 20 guests and 12 crew on board.
As I had not been using my camera much in the last 2 years I did not have any great photos, I need to relearn my lighting skills.
I did put up a few here (click on image):
Here are the links to the sites we dived in the Allan Coral Alas:
Goggle Gardens close
Goggle Gardens overview
Lighthouse Bommbie close
Lighthouse Bommbie overview
Half Way close
Half Way overview
North Horn close
North Horn overview
Creech Reef close
Creech Reef overview
Green Beret close
Green Beret overview
Pirates Cove close
Pirates Cove overview
Snake Pit close
Snake Pit overview
Cod Hole close
Cod Hole overview
Steves Bombie close
Steves Bombie overview
Flare Point close
Flare Point overview