Tag Archives: Business
Adobe overcharges again
Once again, Adobe CS4 costs about $400.00 AUD more to purchase from the Australian store than from the US store. Today, $1399 US = ($1399/.8375) = $1670.45 AUD Adobe Australia sells the CS4 package for $2089 AUD, that is $418 … Continue reading
Posted in Computer, General, Photography
Tagged Business, computer, General, Photography
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Oceanic Australia replace my Princeton Tec Torch
I am happy to say, after a short email discussion with Oceanic Australia, the Australian distributors of the Princeton Tec line, a good outcome was reached. From Oceanic Australia: I have just spoken to our senior service technician and he … Continue reading
Internet back up!
I was off line for a week due to my ADSL connection going down. Did anyone notice? chirp chirp ….