Category Archives: Political
Michael Geist – Supreme Court Delivers Huge Victory for Internet Privacy & Blows Away Gov’t Plans for Reform
Looks like the Canadian Supreme Court has it right – hopefully it will spread to other countries! Michael Geist – Supreme Court Delivers Huge Victory for Internet Privacy & Blows Away Gov’t Plans for Reform (Via
David versus Monsanto: A Documentary on GMO
I think this is a very important video to watch. The control that corporations like monsanto want over the food supply is unbelievable. The thought of ‘terminator’ genes getting loose in the environment is one of the scariest things I … Continue reading
Julian Assange Speaks – getupaustralia
Some very good points made here, the Australian government should be fighting to ensure Julian is provided with Justice rather than death threats. People in the US should be speaking out against their government’s stance on this as well. Julian … Continue reading